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Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP)

FEMA's Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP), located in Anniston, Alabama, is the United States Department of Homeland Security's only federally chartered Weapons of Mass Destruction training center. The CDP provides advanced, hands-on training to state, local, tribal and territorial emergency response professionals at the awareness-, performance- and management-levels. The CDP offers the only federally chartered training facility where emergency responders train in a toxic environment (chemical and biological) and the only hospital in the nation dedicated solely to training.
Center for Domestic Preparedness training is fully funded for state, local, tribal and territorial responders-including travel, lodging and meals. CDP training is also open to federal, private-sector and international emergency response professionals on a fee-for-service basis. Learn more about CDP's advanced, hands-on training opportunities athttp://cdp.dhs.gov.
Emergency Management Institute (EMI)

Through its courses and integrated programs, EMI serves as the national focal point for the development and delivery of emergency management training to enhance the capabilities of State, local, and Tribal government officials; volunteer organizations; FEMA's disaster workforce; other Federal agencies; and the public and private sectors to minimize the impact of disasters and emergencies on the American public. EMI curricula are structured to meet the needs of this diverse audience with an emphasis on separate organizations working together in all-hazards emergencies to save lives and protect property. Particular emphasis is placed on governing doctrine such as the National Response Framework, National Incident Management System, and the National Preparedness Guidelines.
National Training and Education Division (NTED)

NTED serves the nation's first responder community, offering more than 150 courses to help build critical skills that responders need to function effectively in mass consequence events. NTED primarily serves state, local, territorial, and tribal entities in 18 professional disciplines. Instruction is offered at the awareness, performance, and management and planning levels. Students attend NTED courses to learn how to apply the basic skills of their profession in the context of preparing, preventing, deterring, responding to and recovering from acts of terrorism and catastrophic events. Course subjects range from weapons of mass destruction terrorism, cybersecurity, and agro-terrorism to citizen preparedness and public works. NTED training includes multiple delivery methods: instructor-led (direct deliveries), train-the-trainers (indirect deliveries), customized (conferences and seminars) and web-based. Instructor-led courses are offered in residence (i.e., at a training facility) or through mobile programs, in which courses are brought to state and local jurisdictions that request the training.